Arnon Krongrad, MD, Founder, Ezz - Freedom from doctors and drugs


Fanni met Dr. Arnon Krongrad at Miami Tech Week.

Dr. Krongrad's unique perspective on health sparked her interest amidst the tech-focused group at Lumos House, and she had more questions - naturally! Dr. Krongrad is known to his friends as the man who swam Tampa Bay to raise money for military orphans, ran the Boston Marathon with a broken foot and finished, grappled ju jitsu in the Amazon, cloned the rabbit androgen receptor, and introduced laparoscopic prostate surgery.

He joined his first house call at age six, delivered babies in remote Africa, treated gunshot wounds in the inner city, and co-authored the first study ever to show cancer prevention with a dietary supplement. It has been whispered that Dr. Krongrad is the man who killed disco.

Ezz represents its founder's bottomless curiosity, insatiable zest for life, and love for fellow man. Ezz is a global community of thoughtful adults motivated to reach the highest levels of performance. It shares empirical observations, original analyses, and accumulated knowledge.

Ezz does this without regard to popularity or politics. Its mission is to empower members with the knowledge they need to achieve physical, mental, and emotional supremacy.



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Listen to the full episode:


Stephanie LaFlora - The power of storytelling


Mindful Meditations - Networking